Our salary and fee recommendations are based on a 2024 survey, general earnings development and forecasts for 2025. Recommendations can support you in your salary negotiations. Recommended salaries are not absolute lower limits.
Business school graduates’ starting salary recommendations
In 2025, the starting salary recommendation for private sector was 3 950 to 4 350 euros a month, in permanent and non-managerial positions corresponding education, without long-term relevant work experience acquired during studies. Recommendation applies to total earnings without bonuses.
Recommendations for summer job and training period pay
Summer job pay recommendations apply to business school students who can use their skills acquired during business school studies in their summer job. Please note that in some industries employees’ pay is determined under the terms of collective agreement, its remuneration tables or established training period pay.
Recommendations for 2025
Study credits | Recommendation EUR / month |
Under 120 | 2 700 € |
120−180 | 2 750 € |
181−220 | 2 800 € |
Over 220 | 2 900 € |
Recommendations for thesis pay and remuneration
- When a student is commissioned to do a Bachelor’s thesis to an organisation the latter should pay an appropriate remuneration for it.
- When a student completes a Master’s thesis as an employee, the recommendation for a monthly salary is 2 900 euros during the thesis work.
- When remuneration for a commissioned Master’s thesis is not paid as a monthly salary, the recommendation for such remuneration is 6 500 euros.
In addition, if the thesis involves a large or fairly large study project, which in itself benefits the contractor, the additional work conducted for the study part should be taken into account in the lump sum remuneration.