Suomen Ekonomit (The Business School Graduates in Finland) has a large and comprehensive organisation. The highest decision-making body is the Union Conference of Suomen Ekonomit. The graduates’ local associations and student associations have the right to vote in the Union Conference. The Conference elects the Board of Suomen Ekonomit, with a mandate for three years. A large number of committees, working groups and networks report to the Board.

Local associations

Ekonomföreningen Merkur

  • Perustettu: 20.02.1935, Kotipaikka: Åbo
  • Puheenjohtaja: Barbro Schauman 

Ekonomföreningen Niord

  • Perustettu: 13.09.1924, Kotipaikka: Helsingfors
  • Puheenjohtaja: Katia Gustafsson
  • Toiminnanjohtaja: Jenny Pihlström-Odrobinski, jenny.pihlstrom-odrobinski(at)

Etelä-Hämeen Ekonomit ry

  • Perustettu: 27.11.1949, Kotipaikka: Hämeenlinna
  • Puheenjohtaja: Piri Junnikkala

Etelä-Karjalan Ekonomit ry

  • Perustettu: 31.10.1946, Kotipaikka: Lappeenranta
  • Puheenjohtaja: Henri Väkeväinen

Etelä-Pohjanmaan Ekonomit ry

  • Perustettu: 18.01.1960, Kotipaikka: Seinäjoki
  • Puheenjohtaja: Jarkko Kallioniemi


  • Perustettu: 20.10.1999, Kotipaikka: Helsinki
  • Puheenjohtaja: Josefiina Kotilainen

Helsingin Ekonomit ry

  • Perustettu: 21.03.1935, Kotipaikka: Helsinki
  • Puheenjohtaja: Miikka Luukkonen
  • Toiminnanjohtaja: Marjaana Töyli, p. +358407057788,
  • Yhteyskoordinaattori:  Leena Karppinen, +358400585536,

Kainuun Ekonomit ry

  • Perustettu: 12.09.1945, Kotipaikka: Kajaani
  • Puheenjohtaja: Helena Hynynen

Keski-Suomen Ekonomit ry

  • Perustettu: 10.04.1937, Kotipaikka: Jyväskylä
  • Puheenjohtaja  Aleksi Heikkilä, aleksi.heikkila(at)

Kymenlaakson Ekonomit ry

  • Perustettu: 12.05.1945, Kotipaikka: Kotka
  • Puheenjohtaja: Anne Mielonen

Lahden Seudun Ekonomit ry

  • Perustettu: 23.10.1946, Kotipaikka: Lahti
  • Puheenjohtaja: Sami Sipilä

Lapin Ekonomit ry

  • Perustettu: 10.10.1948, Kotipaikka: Rovaniemi
  • Puheenjohtaja: Risto Koskiniemi, risto.koskiniemi(at), 040 4866885

Lounais-Hämeen Ekonomit ry

  • Perustettu: 25.03.1968, Kotipaikka: Forssa
  • Puheenjohtaja: Maria Hyvönen

Oulun Ekonomit ry

  • Perustettu: 16.10.1936, Kotipaikka: Oulu
  • Puheenjohtaja: Tiina Savola, pj(at)
  • Sihteeri: sihteeri(at)

Pirkanmaan Ekonomit ry

  • Perustettu: 26.01.1938, Kotipaikka: Tampere
  • Puheenjohtaja: Mika Leppänen, pj(at)

Pohjois-Karjalan Ekonomit ry

  • Perustettu: 22.08.1951, Kotipaikka: Joensuu
  • Puheenjohtaja: Olli Vauhkonen

Pohjois-Savon Ekonomit ry

  • Perustettu: 10.11.1937, Kotipaikka: Kuopio
  • Puheenjohtaja: Aila Särmälä

Porin Seudun Ekonomit ry

  • Perustettu: 24.01.1943, Kotipaikka: Pori
  • Puheenjohtaja: Maarit Majasaari

Rauman Ekonomit ry

  • Perustettu: 28.10.1949, Kotipaikka: Rauma
  • Puheenjohtaja: Anne Suominen

Riihimäen-Hyvinkään Ekonomit ry

  • Perustettu: 15.11.1965, Kotipaikka: Riihimäki
  • Puheenjohtaja: Hannele Mikkonen

Savonlinnan Seudun Ekonomit ry

  • Perustettu: 29.11.1948, Kotipaikka: Savonlinna
  • Puheenjohtaja: Päivi Kuusinen, p. 0438202654, paivi.m.kuusinen(at)

Suur-Savon Ekonomit ry

  • Perustettu: 07.11.1948, Kotipaikka: Mikkeli
  • Puheenjohtaja: Sari Toijonen-Kunnari, p. 040 485 7748

Turun Seudun Ekonomit ry

  • Perustettu: 09.03.1938, Kotipaikka: Turku
  • Puheenjohtaja: Katri Kronström

Vaasan Ekonomit – Vasa Ekonomer ry

  • Perustettu: 09.05.1937, Kotipaikka: Vaasa
  • Puheenjohtaja: Esa Virtanen

Varkauden Seudun Ekonomit

  • Perustettu: 23.04.1957, Kotipaikka: Varkaus
  • Puheenjohtaja: Johanna Kemppinen

The Union Conference

The highest decision-making body of Suomen Ekonomit is its Union Conference. The graduates’ local associations and student associations have the right to vote in it.

The Board

The Board is responsible for planning and following up on the activities of the union, its financial management and investment capital and for taking major decisions.
Board members are elected every three years in an election meeting for a mandate of three calendar years.

Composition of the Board

The Board consists of a chairperson, who is called the chairperson of the union, two vice-chairpersons, who are called the I and II vice-chairpersons of the union and a minimum of six and a maximum of nine Board members of whom at least one represents business school students. Within these limits, a III vice-chairperson is elected to represent the student members in the Board. All members of the Board have to be affiliatedto member associations.

The Board of Suomen Ekonomit 2024–2026

Chairperson: Jukka-Pekka Kokkonen, Helsingin Ekonomit
I vice-chairperson: Hanna-Maija Kiviranta, Keski-Suomen Ekonomit
II vice-chairperson: Meri Lindström, Ekonomföreningen Niord

Helene Auramo, Pirkanmaan Ekonomit
Kati Isomaa, Helsingin Ekonomit
Miikka Luukkonen, Helsingin Ekonomit
Mikko Malmström, Boomi ry
Niko Pankka, Helsingin Ekonomit
Akseli Tiitta, Turun KY
Joona Uusitalo, Turun Seudun Ekonomit

The Union Council of Suomen Ekonomit

Union Council is the union’s advisory body, consisting of a chairperson, vice-chairperson and a minimum of six (6) members. Its members represent expertise in different fields and the union’s member associations.
The chairperson, vice-chairperson and a minimum of three (3) members of the Union Council are elected in the Union Autumn Meeting. The chairperson of the union and all the vice-chairmen are self-legitimate members of the Union Council.

The Union Council is elected for one year at a time.

Duties of the Union Council include:

1. support the union and its bodies in order to accomplish its targets
2. discuss matters of principle related to the activities of the union and issue statements on them

The composition of the Union Council 2024:

Ekonomi Harri Tilli, chairperson
Kauppat. maist. Sirpa Widomski, vice-chairperson
Jukka Ant-Wuorinen 
Maria Bäck 
Anders Dahlbäck 
Jerker Hedman 
Markku von Hertzen 
Jarmo Hietanen 
Jukka Härmälä 
Markku Koski 
Kasperi Launis 
Leea Lehtinen 
Kathe Ramm-Schmidt
Timo Saranpää
Veli-Matti Töyrylä 
Anja Uljas 
Esa Vilhonen 

Statutory members: The chairperson and vice-chairpersons of the union                

Committees and Working Groups

Education Policy Working Group

The Education Policy Working Group of The Finnish Business School Graduates prepares policy-specific actions and functions as an expert group in the field of education policy.

Members of the Education Policy Working Group of Suomen Ekonomit 2024-2026:

Chairperson: Meri Lindström (Niord)
Katie Astin (TuKY)
Noora Heinonen (Warrantti)
Fanni Hollström-Mikkonen (Savonlinnan Seudun Ekonomit)
Kalle Kahanpää (Flex)
Max Liikka (Boomi)
Ding Ma (Etelä-Karjalan Ekonomit)
Kosar Mahmoodi (Turun Seudun Ekonomit)
Olli Manninen (Pirkanmaan Ekonomit)
Jari Niemelä (Pohjois-Savon Ekonomit)
Weixin Niemi (KY)

Appointment Committee

The Appointment Committee selects candidates for the Board of Suomen Ekonomit and puts forward, to the Union Conference of Suomen Ekonomit, a proposal for  the Board of the next mandate.

Working Life Committee

Experts in the field of socio-political questions and contracting between the public and the private sector are represented in the Working Life Committee of Suomen Ekonomit.

Members of the Working Life Committee 2024-2026:

Chairperson: Joona Uusitalo (Turun Seudun Ekonomit)
Annukka Erkheikki (Helsingin Ekonomit)
Roosamari Hannukkala (SHS)
Jussi Heikkonen (Pirkanmaan Ekonomit)
Riku Hietarinta (Helsingin Ekonomit)
Jussi Kulmala (Helsingin Ekonomit)
Aku Lehojärvi (Flex)
Ninni Norra (KY)
Vesa Putula (Helsingin Ekonomit)
Kati Tanninen (Etelä-Karjalan Ekonomit)
Esa Vilhonen (Helsingin Ekonomit)
Expert with the right to speak and be present: Liisa-Johanna Pesonen (Helsingin Ekonomit)

State Negotiating Team

The State Negotiating Team works under the Working Life Committee. Its duties include, among others, protecting the interests of our members in the public sector and planning these activities, following the statements and proposals of the state employer, issuing statements on proposed reforms and putting forward proposals to develop the role of the state employer.

Investments Steering Group

The Investment Activities Steering Group consists of investment experts and it reports to the Board. The Steering Group manages the investment capital of the union as mandated by the Board, on the basis of the investing principles approved by the Union Conference.

Members of the Investments Steering Group 2024–2026:

Chairperson: Jukka-Pekka Kokkonen (hallitusedustaja)
Vice-chairperson: Veli-Matti Töyrylä
Helene Auramo (hallitusedustaja)
Juhana Brotherus
Antti Huotari
Tanja Kuokka
Anders Löflund
Elmar Paananen
Ira van der Pals


Local Associations’ Chairpersons’ Network

The Chairpersons’ Network of Suomen Ekonomit consists of the chairpersons of the boards of local associations. The union’s Board establishes the compositition of the network in the beginning of each calendar year.

The network elects a chairperson and two vice-chairpersons among its members. The chairpersons act as the contact persons between the Board of The Finnish Business School Graduates and the Chairpersons’ Network.

The task of the network is to bring the local associations together and put forward their employee representation expertise and their members’ views for the purposes of the Board’s decision-making.

Student Associations’ Chairpersons’ Network

The Student Associations’ Chairpersons’ Network of Suomen Ekonomit consists of the chairpersons of the boards of student associations. The task of the network is to bring the student associations together and put forward their employee representation expertise and their members’ views for the purposes of the Board’s decision-making. In addition, the network’s tasks include, on the basis of the guidelines coming from the Board, and the strategy of Suomen Ekonomit, its annual strategic plan and its budget:


Suomen Ekonomit is the fourth biggest affiliate union in AKAVA. The Finnish Business School Graduates is represented, in relation to its size, in the different bodies of AKAVA.

Suomen Ekonomit is involved in AKAVA’s negotiating bodies; Federation of Professional and Managerial Staff (YTN ry) and Federation of Professional and Managerial Staff in the Public Sector (JUKO ry). YTN and JUKO are the bodies responsible for negotiating collective agreements for our members in the private and public sector.