Graduate members
- Those who have completed a bachelor’s or master’s degree in business at a Finnish university and those who have completed a post-graduate degree in business at a Finnish university are accepted as members.
- If you have studied something similar at a Finnish university: Eligibility for membership is assessed on a case-by-case basis. The applicant should be prepared to provide a copy of their diploma when requested.
- If you have studied outside Finland: The prerequisite is that the person has completed a bachelor’s or master’s degree or a post-graduate degree in business at a university. Applications are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. The applicant should provide us with a copy of their diploma, and if necessary, further information on their degree.
- MBA and EMBA: The programme provider must be a university. At least a bachelor’s university degree together with an MBA or EMBA programme organised by the university usually entitles you to membership. Applications are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. The applicant should provide us with a copy of their diploma, and if necessary, further information on their degree.
Student members
Business students completing a Finnish bachelor’s or master’s degree in business at a Finnish university are accepted as student members.
Those who have completed a bachelor’s business degree can remain a student member while continuing their business studies.
Those who have completed a bachelor’s university degree in other than business can join as a student member while completing a master’s degree in business.
If an exchange student is accepted as a member of a student association, they can be a member of Suomen Ekonomit through this organisation during the time they study in a Finnish university.
A person who has completed a master’s degree in business cannot be a student member after graduation, unless they complete another basic degree in business at a Finnish university.
Anyone completing a postgraduate degree cannot be a student member.
A warm welcome to Suomen Ekonomit! ❤️
Membership terms
Graduate members
Joining, membership fee and terminating membership
All persons who meet the Suomen Ekonomit membership criteria can become members of Suomen Ekonomit. A member can belong to Suomen Ekonomit only through a local member association.
The membership is an annual membership and the membership fee can be paid in 1 or 4 instalments. If a member joins during the year, the membership fee will be charged from the beginning of the joining month. The union conference decides annually on the amount of the membership fee and any potential grounds for discounts. A membership fee discount can only be granted when the discount criteria are valid and no earlier than from the beginning of the month following the notification month. A member can receive only one discount at a time, even if they qualify for multiple discount categories. In this case, the largest available discount will be applied.
Membership is considered terminated no earlier than the last day of the month in which the member has notified their resignation. The member can also choose to end their membership at the end of a later month. Suomen Ekonomit can terminate membership on the basis of unpaid membership fees. In this case, the membership will be considered to have ended on the date of termination. Membership fees already paid will not be refunded at the end of the membership.
The unemployment fund membership fee is voluntary and is not included in the union membership fee. The union offers the service of enrolling members in the unemployment fund. If a member neglects their membership fee obligation, the union will not ensure the continuation of their unemployment fund membership or the payment of the fund’s membership fee. The unemployment fund membership fee will be charged until the end of the month in which the membership ends. If a member’s membership also includes a KOKO fund membership, the KOKO fund membership fee already paid will be refunded in the manner specified by the KOKO fund. If a member also belongs to an Akava union with which Suomen Ekonomit has a parallel membership agreement, their Akava fee is paid to the union that is responsible for their lobbying.
In the event of death, membership ends on the last day of the month in which the member passed away. Any membership fee paid for the remaining months of the year may be refunded to the deceased’s estate account upon the request of a relative.
Ending the membership will reset all benefits based on membership length.
Members are responsible for keeping their contact details and other membership information up to date and ensuring that their membership type is correct.
Right to use the services
Upon becoming a member of Suomen Ekonomit, the services of Suomen Ekonomit and its member association are available immediately after payment of the membership fee, taking special exceptions into account.
Members must pay their membership fees on time. If the member has unpaid membership fees, the right to use the services will end. The right to use the services will resume once the unpaid payment has been paid.
At the end of the membership, all rights to use the services and to utilise the membership benefits of Suomen Ekonomit expire and all benefits based on the length of the membership are reset.
Available without restrictions immediately after payment of the membership fee:
- Legal counselling
- Salary sparring
- Training courses and events
- Independent and guided coaching
- Lobbying and influencing
- Digital tools and services
- Ekonomi magazine
- Local association activities and services depending on the association (may be subject to a separate fee)
Services provided by an external partner (may be subject to a separate fee):
- Banking and insurance benefits
- Magazine benefits
- Other membership benefits
Available immediately after payment of the membership fee, subject to certain restrictions
- Personal career coaching, personal job search sparring (1–3 coaching sessions/12 months)
- Boss’s demanding discussions, personal sparring (one-off/12 months)
Available based on membership length
- Legal aid in employment relationship disputes, see accrual of benefit
Services provided by an external partner:
- KOKO fund’s earnings-related benefits (separate fee)
Inappropriate behaviour
Harassment, discrimination, inappropriate treatment or sexual harassment in any form is not tolerated in the Business School graduate community. If such a situation arises due to the actions of a member of Suomen Ekonomit, Suomen Ekonomit may, for example, restrict the services offered to the member and the right to participate in events. Suomen Ekonomit has the right to inform the member’s own member association of the member’s activities for the purpose of further action by the member association.
Suomen Ekonomit reserves the right to unilaterally amend these terms and conditions.
Student members
Joining, membership fee and terminating membership
All persons who meet the Suomen Ekonomit membership criteria can become members of Suomen Ekonomit through their member association.
Student membership of Suomen Ekonomit is free for students. Local member associations may have their own membership fee, which is determined in the manner specified by the member association in question. A person can belong to Suomen Ekonomit only through a local member association.
It is possible for students to purchase the student’s full membership subject to a separate fee, in which case the student will have access to the broader services and membership benefits of Suomen Ekonomit. The student’s full membership also includes the services and benefits included in the free student membership.
A member of the Business School graduate association who receives a student discount is considered both a student and a full member in terms of services.
If the membership ends, any paid membership fee will not be refunded. If a member’s membership also includes a KOKO fund membership, the membership fee determined by the fund will also be invoiced to the student member. If a membership ends in the middle of the year, the KOKO fund membership fee that has already been paid will be refunded in the manner specified by the KOKO fund.
By joining as a student member, the member accepts that they will be added as a member of the Business School graduate association after graduation. This can be changed in eLounge. If a student member does not become a member of the Business School graduate association after graduation, all rights to use the services and membership benefits of Suomen Ekonomit will expire and all benefits based on the length of membership will be reset.
Members must pay any membership fees on time. If the member has unpaid membership fees, the right to use the services will end. The right to use the services will resume once the unpaid payment has been paid.
Maximum duration of student membership
The maximum duration of a student membership is 7 years, after which the student member must be able to demonstrate that they are actively studying in order to be a student member. Only active students can be a full member of Suomen Ekonomit. If the person is unable to demonstrate that they are actively studying, they must pay the Business School graduate membership fee and meet the membership criteria in order to be a member.
Student membership accumulates the legal aid membership term in accordance with the legal aid terms.
Right to use the services
A student membership in Suomen Ekonomit entitles the member to use the services of Suomen Ekonomit as described on this page.
When a student graduates and goes from being a full member to a member of the Business School graduate association, any full membership fee already paid will be taken into account in the membership fee invoicing.
Student benefits cease upon graduation. Any student magazine benefit subject to a fee will be removed and replaced by the corresponding graduate member’s magazine benefit. Any free magazine benefit will end.
If the student does not join as a member after graduation or terminates their membership, the already paid membership fee will not be refunded.
Members are responsible for keeping their contact details and other membership information up to date and ensuring that their membership type is correct. A student member is required to inform Suomen Ekonomit of their graduation with a master’s degree without delay. The notification must be made no later than 6 months from the date of graduation. The membership will be considered continuous if full membership begins within 6 months of the graduation date and the membership has not been interrupted in the meantime.
Inappropriate behaviour
Harassment, discrimination, inappropriate treatment or sexual harassment in any form is not tolerated in the Business School graduate community. If such a situation arises due to the actions of a member of Suomen Ekonomit, Suomen Ekonomit may, for example, restrict the services offered to the member and the right to participate in events. Suomen Ekonomit has the right to inform the member’s own member association/student association of the member’s activities for the purpose of further action by the member association/student association.
Suomen Ekonomit reserves the right to unilaterally amend these terms and conditions.