Customise your membership

You can always customise your membership according to your preferences by selecting what it includes. The membership fee is always fully tax deductible.  

The membership fee is formed as follows  

Suomen Ekonomit (The Business School Graduates in Finland)  

The basic membership fee is the same for everyone and includes a diverse range of services, membership benefits and interest representation services. The fee also includes the Ekonomi magazine. 

How much does it cost? €199/year – this amounts to slightly less than €17/month. This is one of the lowest fees among similar unions. For students, Suomen Ekonomit membership is included in the student association’s membership fee.   

Local association  

Your local association provides training courses, company visits and recreational events near you. It also enables you to network with other business school graduates in your area.  You are free to choose your local association.

How much does it cost? €0–40/year, depending on the local association. This amounts to no more than €3/month.   

If you are already a member, you can make changes in the eLounge >>

Local associationMembership fee
Ekonomföreningen Merkur rf25,00
Ekonomföreningen Niord rf35,00
Etelä-Hämeen Ekonomit ry20,00
Etelä-Karjalan Ekonomit ry15,00
Etelä-Pohjanmaan Ekonomit ry25,00
FLEX ry0,00
Helsingin Ekonomit ry38,00
Kainuun Ekonomit ry20,00
Keski-Suomen Ekonomit ry20,00
Kymenlaakson Ekonomit ry15,00
Lahden Seudun Ekonomit ry15,00
Lapin Ekonomit ry20,00
Lounais-Hämeen Ekonomit ry20,00
Oulun Ekonomit ry40,00
Pirkanmaan Ekonomit ry20,00
Pohjois-Karjalan Ekonomit ry10,00
Pohjois-Savon Ekonomit ry15,00
Porin Seudun Ekonomit ry20,00
Rauman Ekonomit ry15,00
Riihimäen-Hyvinkään Ekonomit ry20,00
Savonlinnan Seudun Ekonomit ry15,00
Suur-Savon Ekonomit ry20,00
Turun Seudun Ekonomit ry25,00
Vaasan Ekonomit – Vasa Ekonomer ry22,00
Varkauden Seudun Ekonomit ty10,00

KOKO unemployment fund  

Is it important to you to ensure that you have a financial safety net in case you are dismissed or laid off? Select the KOKO fund as part of your membership if you wish to receive earnings-related unemployment allowance (if the employment condition is met) when work is not available.

How much does it cost? €63/year. This means that you pay about €5.25 per month for the KOKO membership.   

If you are already a member, you can make changes in the eLounge >>

Magazine as a membership benefit  

Are you interested in keeping abreast of important news related to technology, the economy or the financial sector? Choose a magazine as part of your membership if you value developing your professional expertise by staying informed of current events.  

If you are already a member, you can make changes in the eLounge >>

Membership fee discounts

Read more about circumstances that qualify you for a discount from your membership fee. Please note that the discount only applies to the share of Suomen Ekonomit.

If requested, written proof must be provided of the discount criterion that has been met. Discounts are calculated on a monthly basis. You can apply for a discount in advance. The discount cannot be applied retroactively. The discount starts at the earliest from the beginning of the following calendar month.

Discount categories 

New member discount -50% for the first 2 years

The discount is valid for the first 24 months when you join as a graduate member for the first time.

Family leave -50% (earnings-related period)  

Discount during the maternity/parental allowance period. The discount is only granted for the period for which you do not receive a salary from your employer. Enter the first month of your parental allowance period as the start date of the discount. Enter the end date of the parental allowance period as the end month. If the parental leave continues, you can apply for an extension for the discount.   

Family leave -100% (home care allowance)  

Discount with home care allowance. Enter the first month of your home care allowance period as the start date of the discount. Enter the end date of the home care allowance as the end date. The date cannot be earlier than the last day of the following year. If the home care allowance continues, you can apply for an extension for the discount.

Unpaid leave / leave of absence -50%    

Enter the first month of your leave as the start date of the discount. Enter the end date of the leave as the end date. The date cannot be earlier than the last day of the following year. If the leave continues, you can apply for an extension for the discount.   

Unemployed -50% (earnings-related period)  

Earnings-related allowance period. Enter the first month of receiving the earnings-related allowance as the start date of the discount. The end date cannot be earlier than the last day of the following year. If your unemployment is prolonged, you can apply for an extension for the discount. If you gain employment, you must notify the member service immediately.  

Persons in part-time employment or on part-time pension are considered to be employed.  

Unemployed -100% (other than earnings-related period)  

Basic unemployment allowance or labour market subsidy. Enter the first month of the basic unemployment allowance or labour market subsidy period as the start date of the discount. The end date cannot be earlier than the last day of the following year. If your unemployment is prolonged, you can apply for an extension for the discount. If you gain employment, you must notify the member service immediately.  

Persons in part-time employment or on part-time pension are considered to be employed.  

Pensioner -50%  

Enter the first month of your pension as the start date of the discount. The discount will remain in effect until further notice.  

Persons in part-time employment or on part-time pension are considered to be employed.  

Conscript -50%  

Enter the first month of your military service as the start date of the discount. Enter the last day of your military service as the end date.   

OAJ parallel membership -50% or The Finnish Union of University Professors parallel membership -10%  

Enter the first month of your parallel membership as the start date of the discount. The discount will remain in effect until further notice. If your membership ends, you must notify the member service immediately.  

Student -80%

As a student, you get a full membership with an -80% discount. You can only apply for the discount if you are currently studying for an undergraduate business degree. If necessary, we can ask you to prove your attendance at the university. You will also get access to student services and events at a discount. The expiry date of the discount can be no later than the last day of the current year. You can apply for the discount from October of the current year onwards for the next year. You must notify the Membership Service without delay of your graduation.